Archaeological Paths - Egypt Royal Tour With dr. Zahi Hawass, dr. Mostafa Waziri and a surprise VIP Guest.

Archaeological Paths

1. About the company

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Archaeological Paths is about crafting utterly original, lavish, and extraordinary travel experiences.


We believe that traveling is not just about seeing and doing. It is about embracing a spirit of magic and wonder. Two decades of sharing our passion and unparalleled expertise have proven that, for our luxury journeys and tailor-made experiences, the sky’s the limit.


However, our mission is not only to create unmatched travel experiences, but also to make a real difference in the world of science and archaeology.


We pair our travel experiences with supporting the preservation of places we visit so that they remain vibrant and intact for generations to come. We sponsor archaeological research, excavations and restoration works across Egypt. We are an active supporter of Dr. Zahi Hawass’ large-scale excavation projects at the most significant sites in Egypt, such as the Valley of the Kings.


In 2019, Archaeological Paths organized a media event celebrating Dr. Hawass’ research and discoveries for that year. The highlight of the event was the announcement of a new tomb found by Dr. Hawass – KV65. The discovery made headlines all around the world. The event was attended by renowned archaeologists, ambassadors, ministers, as well as Archaeological Paths’ tour guests.


Thanks to Archaeological Paths, we are able to reveal the glory and secrets of the Valley of the Kings. I do believe that the name of Archaeological Paths should go down in history, written in gold, for its contribution to promoting the legacy of ancient Egypt.

— Dr. Zahi Hawass


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Archaeological Paths has been actively sharing the latest research and discoveries by copublishing and sponsoring a number of publications on ancient Egypt.


We are the main sponsor of exclusive books written by Dr. Zahi Hawass, including A Secret Voyage and The Legend of Tutankhamun, which celebrate the sublime world of ancient Egypt. Both books are limited editions – only 750 copies of A Secret Voyage and 999 copies of The Legend of Tutankhamun were printed. The books were gifted to leaders in archaeology, business, and politics, including US President Barack Obama, Queen Sophia of Spain, the royal family of Qatar and the director of the British Museum, Neil MacGregor.



We also support local charity programs, produce TV documentaries and organize scientific conferences, world lecture tours and exhibitions.


Archaeological Paths’ team was involved in the production of Discovery Channel’s live program in which explorer Josh Gates and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass explored a remote burial site and its deep tunnels underground in Middle Egypt. Audiences from around the world witnessed history as Dr. Hawass uncovered the 2,500-year-old mummy of a high priest.


Over the years Archaeological Paths has become one of the biggest supporters and advocates of Egypt in the United States.


In 2019, Archaeological Paths launched an advertising campaign in the very heart of New York City. One of the largest, most eye-catching digital billboards in the center of Times Square promoted our tours to Egypt with Dr. Zahi Hawass. The campaign’s kickoff was attended by John Rogers, Executive Vice President of the Goldman Sachs Group, Hani Nagi, Deputy Consul General of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and archaeologists from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


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In 2023, Archaeological Paths organized Dr. Zahi Hawass’ 2023 US Grand Lecture Tour, the most extensive lecture tour on history and archaeology to date. During these events, Dr. Hawass unveiled his latest groundbreaking discoveries and research live on stage for the first time, captivating nearly 30,000 attendees across 23 major cities in the United States


Egypt has magic and gives you the thrill of new discoveries. All of this you can experience only with Archaeological Paths.


— Dr. Zahi Hawass during his 2023 US Grand Lecture Tour


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Each year Archaeological Paths partners with luxury brands and is featured in high-end publications.


In 2018, Archaeological Paths was invited to the 70th birthday celebrations of Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and has been profiled in the landmark royal publication Our Future King: Prince Charles at 70. The publication was edited by the best-selling, award-winning author Robert Jobson, who has chronicled the story of the House of Windsor for the past 30 years.


In 2021, Archaeological Paths was an Official Partner of 300 Years of Leadership and Innovation – Royal Edition, publication in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s 95th birthday. This extraordinary work was published by the History of Parliament Trust and is one of the most ambitious and well-researched academic projects in British history. 


A special chapter titled Extraordinary Paths describes Archaeological Paths which offers access-all-areas tours of Egypt and beyond, with scholarly insight from renowned experts. People traveling to Egypt with Archaeological Paths don’t simply visit globally renowned destinations and world heritage sites – they get up close and personal. It’s about embracing a sense of magic – and adding an extra sprinkle of pixie dust.


Archaeological Paths is an official partner of the annual meetings of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club and has been featured in its last four yearbooks, Strive for Perfection, as one of the most high-end and luxury brands in the world.

Archaeological Paths’ unique tours of Egypt draw upon historical expertise and state-authorized access to heritage sites. These prestigious tours dig far deeper than any traditional tours. The company has an unprecedented level of access, holding private tours of Giza and Luxor and meeting with world-renowned experts. The tours have been arranged with the advice of Dr. Zahi Hawass, who is working exclusively with Archaeological Paths.

Strive for Perfection Publication


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Archaeological Paths was also an official partner of the Bentley Motors’ 100th anniversary celebrations and was featured in the publication Exploring the Extraordinary: 100 Years of Bentley Motors, in the section titled Visit Egypt Like a Pharaoh.


2. Why travel with us?

Archaeological Paths’ experiences offer behind-the-scenes access to sites off-limits to the general public. From ancient tombs and temples and active excavation sites to presidential palaces, our guests have special access to places others can only dream of.


Additionally, thanks to direct cooperation with Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities, Archaeological Paths’ guests are granted private entries to the most iconic ancient sites – experiences typically reserved for royalty and heads of state. With us, you avoid crowds and explore the most iconic ancient wonders outside regular hours for an intimate experience.



Archaeological Paths was personally endorsed by Dr. Jehan Sadat, late First Lady of Egypt. Our tours are also recommended by leading archaeologists such as Dr. Zahi Hawass, and Egypt’s Head of Antiquities, Dr. Mostafa Waziri. Our unmatched expertise has been recognized by VIPs including presidents, royalty, and Hollywood stars, who entrusted us with organizing their private journeys.


In recognition of constantly delivering the most exceptional travel experiences, Archaeological Paths has been named a winner of the prestigious Travelers’ Choice award by TripAdvisor for many years in a row now. We are an active member of the American Society of Travel Advisors, World Travel Nation, World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage, The World Travel & Tourism Council, European Tourism Association, and African Tourism Board. Archaeological Paths is also an official partner of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bentley Motors.



3. Experts about us

During the years of cooperation with our valued partners we gained trust on the international market and we are strongly recommended by world class experts.


Dr. Zahi Hawass, world's most famous archaeologist

"Egypt has magic. I could see it in the hearts of the people that I met during Archaeological Paths  tours in the last few years. On the last day of their tour to Egypt, I could see that people were crying because they were leaving the magic of the ancient Egypt behind. This is why I'm inviting you on this beautiful tour with Archaeological Paths. It is a great tour company, because you will be able to see many unique sites that actually very few people can see. You’ll be treated like royalty, this is why we call it the Royal Tour. Come and see for yourself – you will be in good hands and you will have a great time with Archaeological Paths."



 Dr. Jehan Sadat, Late First Lady of Egypt



"It is my pleasure to invite you to tour Egypt with Archaeological Paths. They are really the best company to come with to visit my country. It’s a visit that you will never forget. You will enjoy your stay here and, believe me, you will come back. You cannot miss visiting Egypt."







Rasha Azaizi, Director of the Egyptian Tourism Authority in the UK


"The Royal Tour represents a special opportunity for tourists to experience Egypt's unique cultural landmarks, and there is no-one better than Dr. Hawass to guide guests on a tour of the country's famous ancient history. We feel this will give tourists a once in a lifetime experience and an opportunity to wholly embrace the outstanding Egyptian culture."


Richard Freed, The Executive Director of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club and CEO of the St James’s House group about partnership with Archaeological Paths:


“We are proud that the committee of the Rolls-Royce Owners' Club and the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club Chairman selected Archaeological Paths as Bentley’s 100 partner because we share the same passion and create enthralling stories unlike any other.


Bentley's extraordinary cars have always been designed and built by exceptional people using only the finest materials and Archaeological Paths' tours are prepared by passionate experts who combine extraordinary itineraries and luxurious lifestyle. They curate the best possible experience by including visits to UNESCO World Heritage sites, as well as places closed to the public. Their exceptional VIP tours are led by world-renowned experts, archaeologists, officials or prestigious hosts.


Archaeological Paths’ inspiring and exciting voyage of discovery represents Bentley's values and style. We believe that Archaeological Paths is the only tour operator worthy being a partner during the Bentley’s 100th birthday celebration held by Rolls-Royce Owners Club! I am certain that they will be a major factor in our projects' continuing success.”


Robert Jobson, UK’ Royal Correspondent, the best-selling award winning author, the Royal contributor for NBC’s Today Show and Forbes Magazine in the US



“Archaeological Paths are truly passionate about archaeology and history and this provides the perfect foundation for their insightful tours. They curate the best possible experience by including visits to UNESCO World Heritage sites, as well as fascinating museums and temples. Their enthusiasm and expertise shine through in everything they do.” It really is an honour to have a prestigious partner such as Archaeological Paths featuring in this landmark Royal publication.”



Lech Walesa, 1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner and the former President of Poland


“I must say immodestly that being 75 years old I have travelled the whole world, but never have my travels been so exciting and comfortable like this one. My previous journeys were exhausting, very tiring and fast paced. This time, however, for the first time in my life, it’s been pleasant and calm and there have been a lot of priceless things to see. As much as I’ve seen here in Egypt, thanks to your company, I have not seen it in my life. So, it’s been a great tour. I’ll miss you and will miss the atmosphere of this wonderfully organized trip.

During this tour, when I was visiting all these amazing places, I often travelled back in time to that beautiful era, without all that rush, without cars, computers, Internet. So, in my opinion, people lived – looking at it from today's perspective – better than we do now. I must admit that standing right next to the Great Sphinx and looking at it, I feel teeny when I think about my past years, my experiences and my life in general. Everyone who wonders about life and history should see it to think things over. Who built it? How was it built and for what purpose? There are a few different theories. I myself, looking at the Sphinx, listening to the story told by an Egyptologist, could not believe that it was possible to build something like this. And yet, someone had to build it.

So, this tour has been an amazing experience. I encourage all of you to come, to be part of it and see it for yourself. It is worth experiencing. By the way, the Egyptians are so wonderful. Can you see how they’ve taken care of me? Me, an electrician! And I am sure that they’ll take care of you even better. So, I encourage you to come!

As for security, here in Egypt, I haven't seen anything that would worry me. I haven’t seen anyone who would trouble us. People are very polite, wonderful, hospitable. If you ever invite me again, I will come back to Egypt with the greatest pleasure. I hope that my wife will not notice that I put on weight during the
tour, though! I really would like to come here again. Thank you very much.”


Nadia Al Saeed, CEO of Etihad Bank, former Minister of Jordan, and one of the most prominent Jordanian businesswomen


"The tour with Dr. Hawass, which was organized by Archaeological Paths, is one of the best things one can ever do in Egypt. A truly wonderful experience so unique and so inspiring, it is a walk through history in the most amazing way. The tour was so well organised, everything on time and professional. The tour guide from Archaeological Paths has got deep knowledge and he is very well informed and interesting. Absolutely magical, was worth every second. Thank you very much"


 Dr. Mark Lehner, prominent American Egyptologist

"If you join these in-depth tours offered by Archaeological Paths, you get a much richer experience of Egypt, Pyramids and the Sphinx. This tour offers the benefits of really getting a deep, satisfying look at the archaeology of ancient Egypt. You will see things that you have never seen before. This is not your standard tour of Egypt, but a very special in-depth experience of archaeology. Even if you’ve been to Egypt before, you will see it like very few people see it.

The background to it, as well, will enrich your understanding of the Egyptian pyramids. Religious reasons, what was happening in Egypt at that time? Where was the world in terms of world-wide archaeology? You’ll get a sense of contact with the pyramids that just isn’t offered in your standard tour where you have a few minutes at the pyramid, half an hour at the Sphinx and then you’re off to the bazaars. This will give you a deep archaeological understanding of Egypt’."

Tarek El-Awady, leading Egyptian archaeologist

"I am very happy that Archaeological Paths made it possible for people to come and visit closed sites which are not open for tourists – this is an adventure! When you visit a closed archaeological site, you feel that you are not in a tourist place, but you see it as it is and you enjoy alone the beauty and the magic of the site.
People used to come to Egypt and visit the Great Pyramids and they had many questions, still unanswered. How did the Ancient Egyptians build the Pyramids? Who built them? So they were leaving the site with these questions – but thanks to Archaeological Paths company, they will find the answers to all the questions by visiting major discoveries like Tombs of the Pyramid Builders at Giza. It is closed for tourists, but Archaeological Paths, thanks to a special permission from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, made it possible for you to visit. When you will see the Pyramid Builders Tombs, you will know how the Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids and who were these people.

After such a trip you can say that now you know something about Ancient Egypt and these great people who lived in this country thousands of years ago and built their wonderful civilization."

Mohamed Latif, Egyptologist and tour guide

"In Egypt we have many classic tours  when you bring people to the most famous things we have, but with Archaeological Paths you go deeper than this, you go to the heart of history. They know how to make it more interesting than any other tour company, because they offer things that nobody can see and they open things that are closed for everybody, which is a great experience, not just for the people, but also for the guides and people who work for them.

For example when you go to Luxor temple at night and it’s just for you – the light is for you, they open it just for you, that’s a kind of magic. You feel that you went back in time three thousand years and see it just like it was when the ancient Egyptians were there. I don’t believe that you can get this feeling except with Archaeological Paths when they give you that opportunity to be in the temple by yourself.

People come with us and they think that maybe this is going to be the trip of their life and they are waiting and expecting so much. The good thing is that when they come to me after a few days, they think what they found is way better than they even expected."

Ahmed Hassan, Egyptologist and tour guide

"The greatest highlight is having Dr. Zahi Hawass with us and doing special entrances, being inside the Great Pyramid of Giza by ourselves and having all the chambers inside the Great Pyramid of Giza opened for us. This is very special. Being able to go between the front paws of the Sphinx with Dr. Zahi Hawass himself giving us a lecture there, this is such a special thing. Everybody sees the Sphinx from far away, you normally can’t go near the Sphinx. We are able to be there, between the front paws of the Sphinx, to walk around the Sphinx and to have Dr. Zahi Hawass himself pointing things out and talking about it – this is very special."

Gregory Poplawski,
Founder & CEO

"When we established Archaeological Paths our goal was to create a company for people passionate about archaeology and not a standard tourist agency organizing classic tours. My personal goal was to offer in-depth tours that will be so amazing that each time even our staff will be excited about joining them. My priority was always to create a team of people who are true archaeology lovers. It is the passion in the people we work with that ignites our creativity when we prepare our new projects and innovative tours. It is the passion that stands behind the friendly atmosphere and excitement that we all feel when we work together.

Now, years since the beginning of Archaeological Paths company I am proud of our achievements. When we are organizing our Egypt tours, we cooperate with world’s leading Egyptologists and we have exclusive access to the greatest archaeologist in the world, Dr. Zahi Hawass who meets our guests during their Egypt tours.

Our guests also used to meet Madam Jehan Sadat, a world-figure and Egypt’s former First Lady. They visited her in the residence where she lived with her husband, president Anwar El-Sadat. We give you an opportunity to not only learn about ancient Egyptian pharaohs, but also to experience the modern history of Egypt.

Thanks to our contacts that we have been building for years and our close cooperation with Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities and Ministry of Tourism, we can open up sites that are closed to all the other tourists. Our team can take you to the sites where nobody else gets to go and give you a deeper experience of ancient Egypt than on any other standard tour.

The rich itinerary we offer is completed by the highest quality of services and the best standards of accommodation. Our tours offer 5-star hotels and luxury cruises, so you will travel in comfort while meeting our world-class experts.

I believe transparency is key in travel business and for that reason we are continuing both our written and video-testimonials project for several years now. We go further than other tourist agencies which show only written reviews and we ask our guests to speak about their experience in their own words in the video reviews.

We can say with certainty that we have created an extraordinary tour that will open up a new world of possibilities to you, a tour full of attractions, including participation of special guests that will give you opportunities you cannot find anywhere else. We always make sure this will be a trip of a lifetime for all our guests. My personal priority is to have guests who come back and travel with us again, which is the best review we can receive and our big group of regular clients is our greatest satisfaction."

4. Press about us

The Royal Tours to Egypt with Dr. Zahi Hawass and Dr. Mostafa Waziri not only gained immense popularity among tourists who want to see and learn more than others, but also among the international press and TV stations. Thanks to the extraordinary formula that we propose – offering tours with the world's most famous archaeologist – there have been many splendid articles about our tours in various magazines around the world. Click on the logo of the journal to read the article.



WESTON MAGAZINE: The Royal Tour to Egypt - Like a rolling stone




AFAR: A Must-See List of Egypt’s Ancient Wonders - according to world's most famous archaeologist, Dr. Zahi Hawass


Orange Country REGISTER: 4 things to know about Egypt before you go there.




AFAR: A Journey to Ancient Egypt with the World’s Leading Archaeologist. - The article about Archaeological Paths' Royal Egypt Tour, June 2018.


ELEVATED Luxury Life: 'This  is  the  most  exciting  tour to Egypt ever offered'. - The article about Archaeological Paths' Royal Egypt Tour, May 2018.


The Woods Living: The article about Archaeological Paths' Royal Egypt Tour, April 2018.


Global Traveler: Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass, Former Minister of Antiquities, March 2018.


The Times: One of the UK's most respected magazines about our trip and its unique program which we offer! "Egypt’s Indiana Jones sets off in pursuit of disappearing tourists".


Travel Daily News International: Daily Tourism News Portal (since 1999) – about our program and Dr. Zahi Hawass, our special tour guest! "The Royal Tour with Dr. Zahi Hawass launches in Egypt".



Think Marketing: Will Smith in Egypt! Our company, Archaeological Paths arranged a visit to the pyramids for one of the most famous Hollywood celebrity! "Will Smith in Cairo to Explore Egypt’s Collateral Beauty".



Al-Ahram: Egyptian journal about our trip "American personalities in a visit to Cairo tourist attractions at the invitation of Jehan Sadat and Dr. Zahi Hawass".



Independent: ‘The City of Montgomery’ – the article about two Montgomery residents who joined our tour "Traveling to The Land of the Pharaohs".



Knoxville: internet coverage of one of our tour participants about our tour and unique Itinerary "Have you ever yearned to see the timeless wonders of ancient Egypt: the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, Abu Simbel, King Tut's golden funerary mask?"



Al-Masry Al-Youm: Egyptian journal about our trip "Lecture by the pyramids – Dr. Hawass tells American tourists about the history of the Tombs of the Pyramid Builders".




World Archaeology Magazine: Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass and reference to our tours "Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass".

Timeless Travels: Extensive interview with Dr. Hawass, our tour special guest, which ends with publicity materials about our Egypt Royal Tours "Interview with Zahi Hawass".



Radio Interview - New York WOR710: Egypt and Archaeological Paths




BBC: Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass about Archaeological Paths' Egypt Royal Tours. 


NILE TV: live on NILE TV – Dr. Zahi Hawass is talking about Archaeological Paths. 



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