Archaeological Paths - Egypt Royal Tour With dr. Zahi Hawass, dr. Mostafa Waziri and a surprise VIP Guest.

Archaeological Paths

Discovery of Buddha Statue at the Red Sea City of Berenike

May 12, 2023

A Polish-American archaeological mission working at the ancient port site of Berenike was able to uncover a marble statue of Buddha during their excavation work.


The statue is 71cm tall and was found in the temple of the city. It depicts Buddha standing while holding part of his robe with his left hand. A halo surrounds his face, symbolizing holiness, and a lotus flower is depicted next to him.


This discovery showcases the extent of interaction and connections that Egypt maintained with India during the Roman Period. Egypt, at that time, held a strategically advantageous economic position that linked the Roman Empire with various significant trading centers across the world.


Berenike was one among several port sites located along the Red Sea coast that received trading ships from Asia. It was founded in the 3rd century BCE and remained operational until the 6th century AD

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