Archaeological Paths - Egypt Royal Tour With dr. Zahi Hawass, dr. Mostafa Waziri and a surprise VIP Guest.

Archaeological Paths


An Egyptian archaeological mission working on the site of the Tell El-Deir delta at Damietta found a group of 20 graves dating from the late period. The burials vary from mudbrick structures to simple burial pits.

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An Egyptian archaeological mission working in the Gerza Cemetery at Fayoum have uncovered a large funerary structure.

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An Egyptian archaeological mission working at the site of Quesna in the Delta have uncovered an extended section of the ancient necropolis during their excavation season.

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The Egyptian-Dominican archaeological team working at the temple of Taposiris Magna has discovered an underground tunnel dug into the bedrock.

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As part of the celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities reopened Carter House after its restoration project was completed.

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